Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Things does seem the way I want it to be but.....

All this while I wanted to continue my favourite course that I have stopped last year. Today I called up the centre to enquire about the course and I should be happy that finally I get to continue it after stopping for so long! Things does work out the way I wanted it to be!

Well, inside my soul, I dunno why I am not really happy. The feeling was not really upset about it nor happy about it. It was just not like something that I've been looking forward too all this while!

Well maybe I'm not ready yet but if I still delay I don't think I have to time. I will live to regret if I did not continue!

Or is it that I have stopped too long already and starting it again seems like something new to me again? Like retired singer who has stopped singing for many years and suddenly she is asked to perform in a charity concert.

Well, I will get used to it when the time comes.
I will!

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